New Clients

New Client Info

Welcome! The following information, and forms are provided below.

  • Suggested New Client Protocol

  • What to expect during your treatment

  • What to wear

  • Rates

  • Links to forms

Suggested New Client Protocol

Suggested New Client Protocol: With respect to your time and budget, there is a sequence of treatment that I recommend to help both of us start off on the right foot and build early momentum in your healing process. I suggest a series of at least three appointments spaced a week or less apart. It’s best to book all three sessions at once in advance as there is often a wait to get into the schedule, and having the intro series in place assures continuity of treatment for at least the first few weeks.

The first appointment will be 90 minutes and cost $150. I accept cash, check or credit cards. For approximately the first 30 minutes we will go over your intake form, cover self-care and do a postural evaluation. I will ask and answer any questions you may have and the goal is to get a-brief history and clarify what your goals and expectations are for treatment. Then I will explain self-care and give you your new therapy ball with general instructions on how to use it. After your session I will have more specific ideas for you but all in all this simple little ball is workhorse for self-care… and the more attention you pay to your body, the better your results will be. Next, there is a brief postural evaluation in standing and on the table where I will access weight bearing, body symmetry and structural alignment in and out of gravity. Then, at last, 60 minutes of myofascial release hands on treatment! To learn what a session is like, see “What to Expect” below or on our FAQ page.

The second appointment will be one hour ($130) a week or so after the first one. It will consist of a brief update about what happened since the last time we worked together (what changed, what didn’t, what changed and reverted back, what’s new) and another postural evaluation to see where you are and how you appear and feel today. Then, about an hour of hands on treatment.

The third session, a week later, is the same length and sequence as the second. This is how sessions typically go once you have seen me a time or two.

Clients can usually tell in one or two sessions if the therapy resonates and/or is creating positive change. If not, or if at any time, you decide that MFR is not for you whether you are not comfortable with me or my techniques, or if you don’t feel it is helping you, or it just doesn’t feel “right”… you are welcome to cancel that appointment and any subsequent sessions without cost or obligation. It is of the utmost importance to me that we build and maintain a relationship of honesty and trust so true healing can occur. I do not take anything personally!

After the initial series (or often even during it) the timing of future sessions usually becomes apparent. It is different for everyone. Often clients will continue weekly or every other week for a while, especially with long term or chronic issues, settling out to a monthly visit and eventually an occasional tune up. Sometimes three sessions is all one needs to get on the right track to move forward with self-care alone. Ultimately my goal is to get you back in balance and instruct you how to maintain it on your own using increased self -awareness and self-care techniques. I am always happy to step in again if needed or if a new issue arises. No scheduling protocol needs to be followed if you are an existing client.

This protocol is a successful guideline, not a mandate. I am happy to tailor your sessions and timing to fit your needs as best I can. If this sounds acceptable and appropriate, please contact me to schedule your introductory series via email or phone. Contact info can be found below or on the FAQ page.

What to Expect

Your treatment session will begin with a brief standing postural analysis with you in your treatment clothes. This nonjudgmental body scan will allow both of us to be more aware of external holding patterns and postural misalignments. I will look for things such as whether your shoulders are level, your pelvis is tilted or rotated, and how you carry your head. Based on what we discover, and whatever concerns, symptoms and observations you have shared, your unique treatment will begin. Any combination of stretches, structural techniques and soft tissue mobilizations are possible including cross hand releases, assisted stretches, arm and leg pulls, or craniosacral work. Generally speaking, I will find an area of restriction and “sink” gently into it for 90-120 seconds, then begin a gentle stretching of the fascial web for at least 5 min. and often more, allowing time for the area to open without force to eliminate restrictions, reverse holding patterns, and reorganize. A “release” may feel like tingling or heat, butter melting, or taffy stretching. You may find yourself moving gracefully without conscious effort as the web opens and your body explores the new space created.


Since JFBMFR is a whole body technique, I will often treat areas other than where the pain or dysfunction is sensed because everything is connected. I may guide you with dialog to keep your presence/awareness in your body or the treated area and may ask you for feedback regarding your body's feelings and sensations. I feel that this awareness and participation is an important part of the healing process.

Treatments are often relaxing, and usually clients notice changes during or shortly after a session. You may notice additional shifts hours or even days later. No two sessions will ever be alike. Following a treatment it is important to drink extra water to flush out released toxins, and rehydrate formerly dense areas. I will provide you with an appropriate individualized home program and any and all time you invest in self-care will greatly accelerate your healing!

Results are cumulative- as more structural and restriction releases occur with multiple sessions and self-treatment and you grow awareness of your unique holding patterns, change continues to accelerate. We will work as a team- I consider myself a facilitator in your healing journey… MFR treatment is about “doing with”, not “doing to” and we work together to create positive change for you!

What to Wear

Myofascial Release therapy requires hands on skin contact, and often involves movement and /or stretching, so comfort and ability to move easily is key. I suggest men wear athletic/ elastic waist shorts or underwear and women a bra, sports bra or tank top and underwear or elastic waist/athletic shorts. No cream or lotion is used in treatment and it is best if you do not apply any before your session so my hands don’t slide on your skin.


Initial Appointment: 90 Min. $150.00
We will begin with completing and going over intake paperwork, a brief explanation of the therapy and some Question and Answer time, an Intro to self-care with your free therapy ball, a stand-up postural evaluation and at least an hour of treatment. If you print out and bring your paperwork, we will have more time for treatment.
60 minute MFR session: $130.00
90 min MFR session: $180.00
Discovering your Body Wisdom: 60-minute private Zoom or phone call $95

Cape Wellness Collaborative Clients: $85.00.

Click here for online payment. Appointment and password required.


Intake Form
Covid-19 Informed Consent Form
Suggested New Client Protocol