Welcome to my Resource page. Here you will find links to printable forms, websites, videos AND… links to my Zoom “Audio Exercise Series.” These are all valuable resources to help you successfully navigate through your healing journey.
Intake Form
Therapy Ball Instructions
Covid-19 Informed Consent Form
John Barnes Links:
JFB Find A Therapist Link: Find my listing or find a JFB trained therapist anywhere! www.mfrtherapists.com
John Barnes website: Great resource for all things JFBMFR, including links to articles, blogs and MFR chat line.
John Barnes fireside chat 2: John F. Barnes on the parts of Myofascial Release we call Rebounding and Unwinding. (6 min) Watch
The Cape Wellness Collaborative (CWC) is a local non profit which works with local wellness professionals to provide free-of-charge integrative therapies to those facing cancer on Cape Cod and the Islands. I am proud to be a participating practitioner. www.capewellnesscollaborative.com
Audio Exercise Series
This series of guided audio sessions are designed to help you learn to "ground" and center yourself simply and effectively. This easily learned skill allows one to quiet down and really feel our bodies to do more effective self assessment and self treatment and it is also calming and affirming. From there, you can begin to explore areas of discomfort or "stuckness" be they new to you or chronic, and to tap into and utilize your innate and powerful "body wisdom" to facilitate healing, both on your own, or on the table or on a call with me.
“Grounding” 21 mins. Start your guided audio session >>
“Exploring Deeper” 25 mins. Start your guided audio session >>
Instructional Videos
What is Myofascial Release Video by Richard Harty PT
MJ Pangman discusses the significance of liquid crystalline state of water
Food for Thought…
Fractals: A fractal is a non-linear repeating pattern... nature is full of them... and so are our bodies! Consider how a river delta, lightning, and our circulatory system all similar in pattern... click here for a beautiful website on fractals >>
Louie Schwartzberg is a cinematographer, director and producer who captures breathtaking images that celebrate life — revealing connections, universal rhythms, patterns and beauty. For Schwartzberg, the greatest satisfaction is creating works that can have a positive effect on the future of the planet. "I hope my films inspire and open people's hearts," he says. "Beauty is nature's tool for survival -- we protect what we love. Nature's beauty can open hearts, and the shift in consciousness we need to sustain and celebrate life."
I wholeheartedly agree!! Enjoy the three videos below featuring Louie Schwartzberg.
The Fuzz Speech: Gil Hedley, Leader of Integral Anatomy expeditions of the human form in his innovative whole body, layer by layer approach to the study of anatomy speaks simply to the role of fascia, aka "The Fuzz", in our everyday patterns of movement and how stretching affects the fascial system.. (5 min)
An 18 min Ted talk using beautifully simple science and analogy- heart/iron, breath/plant, and mind/piano- that demonstrates how we are all intricately linked to the world at large... and how individually each of us is an important part of changing, sustaining and evolving the collective. Viewed in more micro, Fascial terms, each fascial strand/restriction affects the whole of our being... Everything is Connected!
Dawn Chorus: This is a beautiful way to wake up and set a positive intention for the day! A calming and inspirational video by Garth and Sandy Whitcombe of sunrise over the Hauraki Gulf in Auckland New Zealand featuring the sounds of native birdsong and Garth's original music.
This video speaks to the power of nonverbal communication. I believe our bodies are "talking" to us constantly.. Sometimes it is a shout "OUCH!!!", other times a whisper "Please don't finish your usual workout today". If we begin to hear and respect the whispers, we can perhaps avoid injury, discomfort and chronic pain. Your body may hurt, but it will NEVER hurt you, as that would be self injurious. (11 min)